We had a question come in the other day so I thought I would take this time to break down the answer in detail. How do you program for your CrossFit classes?
We take a different approach then most. While CrossFit itself is defined as Constantly varied movement perfromed at high intensity. That definition might not best define what we do. We vary our movement as well as vary our intensity.
Our weeks of programming follow a formula
Mondays. - Max Effort Lower / Repetition Lower We will do a lower body lift, 2 accessory movements. Short High intensity workout. Hamstring or glute finisher
Tuesday - Upper Body Repetition movement / Dynamic Movement, Accessories geared towards upper back and triceps. Conditioning is going to be longer 12-20 min range
Wednesday - GPP Day Skill focus generally on gymnastic progressions or Olympic lift
Conditioning 20-30 mins moderate intensity training aerobic capacity.
Dynamic Lower Body - Light weights for volume
Box jumps. Lower body focused conditioning
Upper body lift
2-3 accessories upper back and shoulders
Moderate to high intensity metabolic conditioning
Team Workouts
Usually Interval training at a moderate intensity in the 20-30 range
capped off with functional body building or recovery work
Sundays OFF
Random Programs get random results. We have experimented with several different programming models in our time and found this to be the most effective for continual results, low burnout rate as well as being fun, an engaging to our members. A knock on group classes are the lack of person centered programming. We have found within this structure we can meet the needs of all of our memebers.
Ready for something different? Need direction? Lack motivation? Give us a call