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Nutrition, Supplements & BS 

Writer's picture: S3 Ahtletics S3 Ahtletics

Hope everyone has had an awesome Sunday. Just a few quick reminders we’re starting new athlete sessions July 31st. Only taking 12 kids per session M/W group is almost full. August 1st starts our check-in contest. All you have to do is check in on FB or Instagram and #CFsummerstrong. We will have daily, weekly and monthly giveaway of up to $100 Rogue gift card.

Now to the point of my blog today. I want to talk about nutrition, supplements and bullsh*t

There are no one size fits all approach to nutrition, we use macro plans, real food (paleo), whole 30, keto approaches to help our clients reach their goal. There are so many factors that come into play, weight, age, sex, activity levels, goals, etc… to take into consideration. We experiment until we find what works based on before mentioned factors. This requires work, sacrifice, and accountability. We have todetermine what were the factors that led to the weight gain to begin with.

Where do supplements come into play? Well supplements are just like they sound their designed to supplement into your nutrition to offset needs not being met by your food intake. Fat burners, inhibitors, suppressors or whatever else you might be interested in STAY away. You need food, food is fuel. Are you overweight and out of shape? Then some shake or drink isn’t going to magically come to the rescue to save your life. Start with a proper nutrition plan and some exercise, I’m partial to CFSS, but it is not for everyone and we’re ok with that. The best exercise plan is the one you enjoy and will stick to.

Corey and I get hit up all the time to promote and sell products to our members. We pass every time. We turn down extremely financially lucrative offers because they go against our principle beliefs. If we sell something in our gym it is a product we use and believe in.

Lastly let’s get to the BS. Companies market to your emotions. Everyone wants the quick fix. How fast can I lose my weight, when can I fit into that dress, or whatever your motivation is … you did not get like that overnight. Don’t be fooled by anything that offers quick or instant results.

I have learned in life that anything you get with out having to work for is not worth much. The hard work gives value to the result and makes it so much more gratifying.

September 1st we start our 2nd Eat Real Food Nutrition Challenge. During this we teach you how foods affect your body. We eliminate all processed food, dairy and sugar from our diet. The point of this is to help our members associate how their foods make them feel, break down barriers of emotional eating and form healthy relationships with food.

A proper nutrition plan is a vital piece of the puzzle working towards your goals whether that’s health, performance, or strength to name a few.

If your ready to step up efforts and get serious about health contact us to get started.

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S3 Strength & Fitness

4793 Rockwell Road

Winchester, Kentucky 40391




Rodney Horning, Owner


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