While there will be many precautions in place, we are ecstatic to be able to open our doors soon. We have several new regulations in the meantime, so please read through this closely.
On May 26th, our normal schedule will resume.
We will be limiting the class size to 12 members per class. This will make it easier to keep everyone a safe distance apart from each other.
You must check in on WodTogether to secure a class spot. You can only check-in up to 24 hours in advance. Please do not abuse checking in and not showing up, as you could be taking a spot from someone who would have used it. WodTogether has been programmed to let you all know when the 12 person cap has been reached, and anyone over the cap will be added to the waitlist in case anyone drops the class.
If you bring your child, they must stay in the designated area or outside. We cannot have kids running around during classes for the time being.
Please wash hands thoroughly upon arrival.
Wipe down all equipment after use.
PPE can be worn at your discretion. We will not require them.
We ask that you not congregate before class and enter the facility at the start of your session. We know this will be tough, there are a lot of you who haven’t seen each other in months and want to catch up, but we want to ensure we can keep operating safely.
Wash your hands before leaving.
Please be respectful of others and adhere to social distancing guidelines.
We will be mopping twice a day, and wiping down all common areas after morning classes and at the end of the day.
If you feel the least bit sick, or are running a fever even without symptoms, please stay home.
Anyone who borrowed our equipment to use at home during the quarantine needs to return it by 5/21 so we have time to clean and sanitize it all and reorganize everything. We will have someone at the gym 9:00 am -Noon M/W/TH & 5:00-6:30 pm M/W/TH.
We cannot wait to see our CFSS family again, we have admired how resilient you all have been through this adversity, but we are ready to have you guys under our roof again.
See everyone soon!
