We are putting together a t-shirt order
Limited edition
Unisex sizes
$30 per shirt
Orders and payment are due October 16th by noon. Sign up sheet is in the office

Check In to Check Out Contest!
The check in contest starts tomorrow!! Don’t forget to check in on Facebook every time you come workout! Be sure to hashtag #CFSS so we can keep track of your check-ins! Remember the member with the most check-ins by the end of October will receive a Rogue Gift Card! Share the #CFSS love!
-Schedule Change-
Starting Monday, October 5th we will only have an 8:30 am class. There will not be a 8 am or 9 am class offered. See you at 8:30 am!
Hydration Station
Please help keep the fridge stocked by bringing in a case of water. Cold water makes a great workout, we supply the fridge-you supply the water!
As always, thanks for being awesome! -Your CFSS Coaches