On Tuesday 3/1/2016 it will mark year 1 in the books for CrossFit Strode Station. Oh what a year it has been. We want thank our members, community partners and everyone that has supported us this year in our goal to make central Kentucky a healthier place.
Its hard not to get emotional looking back at how great this year has been. We get asked about what makes us different and we say our community is what makes us special. Sometimes that is difficult to describe. So let me show you a years worth of what that word “community” means to us.
If your ready for 2016 to be the year you make changes and invest in your self. Come see us!
February 2015
-Signed our lease
March 2015
-We opened our doors
May 2015
-Rich City CrossFit competition
-Memorial Day Murph
-Finalized moving upgrading to a new location
-First classes in our new building
-Rugged Red
-80s Day
-Festivus Games
-Turkey Trot
-12 days of Christmas
-Christmas party
-Community open house
Just some general awesome stuff and people who have supported us from the beginning
Thank you for making this year special