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Programming 101

You’ll hear the word “conjugate”, “max effort”, and “dynamic effort” thrown around a lot at CFSS. You may also wonder at times how the coaches come up with the daily workouts, and how they are all pieced together. Yes, at times, you may wonder how some days workouts even coincide with what we’ve done that week. But this is a big picture program. We have a very set methodology when these workouts are put together and lined out over the course of a month. We’re trying to help you reach your individual goals, whether that’s competing in CrossFit, or just being able to run after your little ones without getting winded.

In the conjugate method of programming, one of the most important aspects is recovery. During our programming, we make sure that we aren’t programming heavy/high volume multiple days in a row. The body has to have time to recuperate or you’re going to be hurting yourself in the long run. We aren’t going to run you into the ground day in and day out, and expect results. You’ll be too spent the following day to have a productive workout.

Be patient with us. You may want to try and max out and hit PR’s multiple times a week. It’s fun. It’s a driving motivator in the gym. But the accessory work and the little things we do before and after our workouts all will help you build the strength and the endurance to do these things. Working on your limitations and smaller muscle groups will pay off dividends in the long run. We also intentionally give you 72 hours between high volume days on upper or lower body to make sure your body is rested and ready to work at max capacity next round.

We also use aspects of the Dynamic Effort and Max Effort strength training to make you as well rounded as possible. While lifting heavy is fun, doing that daily can be detrimental. Building strength and building speed under the bar go hand in hand in our gym. Also, mixing these two methods can help prevent overtraining and injury.

According to the Box Programming website, the top 5 priorities when utilizing the conjugate method are :

1. Prioritize recovery (high intensity vs. low intensity)

2. Improve limitations (both muscular & hormonal)

3. Improve body-composition (unilateral vs. bilateral)

4. Improve strength, conditioning, and track progress (structured into the plan every 12-16 weeks)

5. Longevity (the ability to stay engaged in the process an

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