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It’s not as easy as it was when I started? 

Its not as easy as it was when I started?

Happy Fathers Day to all of our Dad’s at CFSS.

CrossFit Strode Station has been open for 27 months! Crazy I know, we have come a long way in a short time. Over 1/2 of our membership have been with us for 18 months or longer.

This message is for our more veteran members.

This is the time where a lot of people fall off. I have been around CrossFit 9 years now, I have seen and experienced the lifecycle of training / CrossFit firsthand.

Here are some things you can do to get out of a rut and stay excited about training. At the end of the day it is not life or death. Its fitness have fun!

1) Remember why you started before you even knew what a PR was. Quit comparing your self to others we all have different goals. Focus on you and support everyone else on their mission.

2) Find Something new and difficult to train for outside of the gym. Remember how hard it was to walk through our doors the first time? Find something new to push your comfort zone. Corey and I will do our best to help you train and be prepared

3) Set new goals that are not driven around numbers. Set goals around Nutrition, training volume, sleep, reading and just general work on being a better person. The gym is a just a piece of your life strive to be well rounded person.

4) If performance and aesthetics are your only goals. Training alone will no longer suffice. You have to dial in your nutrition. Spend more time recovering. This may require a lifestyle change. The beers, burgers and ice cream will have to go. No more late nights. Sleep is vital to recovery.

Training is hard day in and day out. When the results do not come as fast it can be discouraging and motivation fades. I know some of you can relate to what I am talking about. The beauty of CrossFit is their are so many different things you can you can focus on. You can define your fitness and your goals.

When I have been burnout I have completed 20 week powerlifting cycle, completed numerous adventure races, 1/2 marathons,Trail runs, triathlons. There are so many things out there. So before you get discouraged and fall off the fitness wagon. Find a new way to challenge yourself. Not sure what you want to do message me let me help you.

The rugged red 1/2 marathon is coming up this is a great way to break up your time in the gym get outside, challenge your comfort zone.

– Josh

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