Check out the August Spotlight Athlete David! Get to know him better through his interview below. Give him a high five next time you see him at the box!
David Arnold

Crossfit Birthday: March 2015 First WOD: Foundations Workout Favorite Memory: Completing Fran for the second time, shaving a minute off my time! 4 Favorite Movements: Deadlifts, sprints, power cleans, thrusters What is You Dream WOD: A 5k Run 5 Things We Don’t Know About You: 1. I have races motocross since I was 7 years old. 2. I have a Shih Tzu named Lucy Lou. 3. I have been married to my fantastic wife for seven years. 4. I enjoy traveling to new places. 5. I am obsessed with all things horror related, I even dedicated a room in my house to it!